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Monday, October 5, 2020

Got Beef? Here’s What Your Hamburger Is Doing To The Climate - Forbes

To the omnivores out there: If push came to shove, could you quit eating steak?

The ethics of killing animals for their meat have been debated for centuries. But in recent years, the looming specter of climate change has given meat eaters an additional dilemma to consider: cattle and dairy farming, climate scientists have warned, is unsustainable, generating high levels of greenhouse gases at every stage of the production process. For many vegetarians and vegans, the climate factor has provided yet another powerful argument for leaving meat behind.

To illustrate the climate impact of beef, last month U.K. climate change website Carbon Brief released an interactive Q&A that laid out exactly how much more harm the meat does than other foods. According to the data presented, the meat and dairy industries create 7.1 gigatons of greenhouses gases annually—that’s 14.5% of total man-made emissions. But beef is by far the biggest offender, generating 60 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of meat produced—that’s more than twice the emissions of the next most polluting food, lamb. 

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One reason for this high level of emissions is that cows and sheep produce large quantities of methane as a byproduct of the ruminant digestive process, relying on specialized bacteria that can break down grass. As a greenhouse gas, methane is up to 34 times more potent than CO2.

Another way meat contributes to climate change is via the destruction of forests and other habitats to make way for pasture, and for the growing of fodder to be eaten by cattle. With a rise in the eating of beef in large countries that have witnessed increasing prosperity, such as China, cattle farming has become extremely lucrative. In pursuit of profits, ranchers have destroyed hundreds of thousands of square miles of rainforest around the world—vital, biodiverse ecosystems that, when undisturbed, capture millions of tons of CO2. As new research published today in Nature Communications shows, 40% of South America’s Amazon rainforest is in danger of turning into savannah as a direct result of deforestation.

Walter Willett, a nutritionist at the public health school of Harvard University, told Carbon Brief: “Eating beef raised on grain produced in the Amazon AMZN is like coal-fuelled power plants—the worst thing you could possibly do.”

Yet far from falling, global consumption of meat is still on the rise: worldwide meat production has quadrupled since 1961, and as countries get richer, so meat consumption has risen further still.

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Writing in The Lancet Planetary Health last year, a panel of climate scientists called on the international community to “declare a timeframe for peak livestock”—the point at which meat production from animals would begin to decline. Yet demand for beef in countries such as China is likely to continue to grow unabated.

In this context, what is to be done? Must we all say bye-bye to the burger if we are to curb climate change? And how many people would need to give up beef in order to make a significant impact on emissions?

“Next to flying less, it is probably right to say that, as individuals, reducing beef consumption is the most significant contribution directly under our control,” says Alexandre Koberle, research fellow at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at The Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London. 

But for the millions still out there who are yet to be convinced they can live without that quarter pounder, what should they do? It turns out where that beef comes from is a big factor.

“Knowing the origin of the meat you buy is the first step to demanding it be produced sustainably,” Koberle says. “As Carbon Brief has shown, meat production varies significantly and this variation impacts how much GHGs [greenhouse gases] it emits in the process.”

The problem right now, Koberle says, is it can be hard for meat eaters to make the right choice. “There’s not enough information to enable consumers to decide, so they should demand that grocery providers put pressure on producers to give more information about their meat.”

To this end, campaigners and institutions have been rolling out strategies to identify companies and regions that profit from destructive farming methods, and hold them to account. One such initiative, the Trase platform, founded by the Stockholm Environment Institute and Global Canopy, is attempting to spearhead a movement to bring transparency to food supply chains. Standing for Transparency for Sustainable Economies and using publicly available data, Trase maps the links between food importing countries and the places where the food is produced in detail, covering foodstuffs from soy and palm oil to beef and pork. Visitors to the site can select any importer nation and trace food imports back to the precise municipality where that food was produced, complete with information on deforestation activity in that area. But the scale and complexity of the challenge remains enormous: even when supply chain data are laid out and visualized, consumers can find the resulting complex web of links difficult to comprehend, and there is scant legislation to tell food retailers that they must clean up their supply chains.

At the sharp end of the wedge, cross-boundary bodies like the Igarapé Institute, with the cooperation of Interpol and NGOs, track environmental crimes in the Amazon basin, with a view to bringing legal cases against those responsible. But as far as prosecuting environmental crimes is concerned, campaigners and legal groups can count on little in the way of regional cooperation when it comes to bringing the culprits to justice.

This being the case, Koberle says, the best option available is to reduce demand among beef-hungry nations.

“If demand goes down, then the scale of the industry will as well,” he says. “But I think that meat is much too cheap. If the cost of producing it sustainably were included in the price, it would help bring down demand. I think people take meat for granted—although that is beginning to change.”

Koberle indicates that as consumers, we are too far removed from the process of meat production and its harmful effects, and that greater awareness of the environmental costs of meat is needed.

 “Meat consumption should be done with a lot more respect for what it is and valuing it accordingly,” he says. “There is room for livestock in a low-carbon world to be sure, but it would not be produced or consumed like it is today.”

Are such messages catching on? While global meat consumption shows few signs of slowing, in some regions there are indications of a growing appetite for meat-free options. That’s being reflected by the major retailers: this week, for example, the U.K.’s largest supermarket chain Tesco committed to increasing sales of “meat alternatives” by 300%, along with measures to improve the “availability and affordability” of such products. Sporadic surveys suggest both Britons and Americans are reducing their meat consumption for a variety of reasons, from financial to health.

Koberle sees this as a step in the right direction. “Reducing meat intake as much as possible is already a significant contribution. We shouldn’t think of it as a vegan-or-nothing proposition: if a person already consumes little meat, further reductions may not have such a high impact.” 

 In fact, he says, demanding people make the switch to strict veganism could prove counterproductive. “I fear that pushing that agenda [veganism] too hard is likely to alienate a sizeable portion of society,” he says. “It may be more beneficial to have a modest amount of meat if that gives you the willpower to strive towards flying less, or turning off the lights, or not commuting in an SUV.”

Among unrepentant carnivores committed to wolfing down their nightly T-bone or chateaubriand, the moderation message is unlikely to change habits any time soon. But for most meat eaters, cutting down on red meat while making an effort to find out where that meat was grown ought to be an effective way to lessen their individual emissions. As it happens, such guidance also coincides closely with health research suggesting that cutting red meat intake to a maximum of three portions per week can reduce the risk of cancers.

“The main thing to remember is that there is no one single action that will deliver the required greenhouse gas reductions,” Koberle concludes. “Rather, every sector will have to contribute. If all of humanity turned vegan but continued to use fossil fuels the way we do today, the effort would be vain.”

The Link Lonk

October 05, 2020 at 09:00PM

Got Beef? Here’s What Your Hamburger Is Doing To The Climate - Forbes

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