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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sussex students launch campaign to remove beef and lamb from campus menus - The Tab

Voting for the ‘No Beef’ movement will start on December 2nd

A group of students have began campaigning for the University of Sussex to join the national #NoBeef movement, which encourages institutions to remove beef and lamb products from their menus in a bid to help tackle increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Beef and lamb have been recognised as causing 85 per cent of agricultural greenhouse gases, as well as cows being one of the biggest sources of methane. Other UK universities have gradually been making the transition, with the University of Cambridge, who have been beef and lamb free since 2016, and Goldsmiths University of London, who have pledged to be carbon neutral by 2025, both removing these meats from their food outlets.

Sussex’s initiative launched on Instagram last week and has already gained over 300 followers. A representative told The Sussex Tab that she “started this campaign because I believe we need to hold the university accountable to the promise they made when they declared the climate emergency.

“Removing beef and lamb from campus food outlets is a simple and effective step the university can take to reducing their carbon output.”

The decision will be made via a vote that all Sussex students can partake in. Voting will take place from the 2nd to the 7th of December and more information can be found here.

The Link Lonk

November 29, 2020 at 08:59PM

Sussex students launch campaign to remove beef and lamb from campus menus - The Tab

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