University Extension services in Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin are partnering up to offer the Driftless Region Beef Conference from 7-8:30 p.m. Jan. 26-28, 2021, with webinars each evening.

Via webinar, two presenters speak each evening:

  • On Jan. 26, Dr. Frank Mitloehner, University of California-Davis, will speak on Green House Gas, Sustainability and Beef Cattle Production; and Dr. Kevin Bernhardt, UW-Madison Division of Extension, will speak about Building Farm Resiliency for Surviving Volatile Times.
  • On Jan. 27, Shawn Darcy, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, will address What Consumers Say They Need and Want; and Dr. Paul Plummer, Iowa State University, will discuss Antibiotic Resistance in the Beef Industry.
  • The conference wraps up on Jan. 28 with Dr. Danelle Bickett-Weddle, Iowa State University, as she presents Being Prepared for a Beef Cattle Pandemic/Secure Beef; and Dr. Brenda Boetel, UW-Madison Division of Extension, with a 2021 Market Outlook.

For more information, visit For more information or to receive a brochure, contact Denise Schwab at 319-472-4739 or email