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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

20 best 2020 BEEF Daily blogs - Beef Magazine

This year has been one for the history books. Full of ups and downs, dark turns and small victories, communities rallying together, political turns and ranchers fighting back — 2020 will be a year we won’t likely forget anytime soon.

While I’m praying that 2021 is a little more calm and a lot less stressful, I anticipate we have some rocky months still ahead of us. Yet, no matter what challenges await us, I know the agricultural industry is strong, resilient and determined. We won’t back down or shy away from facing these challenges head on, and I know that this difficult season we are in has prepared us for what is to come.

Before we prepare for a new year, let’s look back on some of the highs and lows of 2020. I have rounded up some of the most popular BEEF Daily blog posts from the past 12 months. Not surprisingly, you might notice a theme here — activists, fake meats, policies, the election, wildfires and beef nutrition have been a large focus this year. You can expect more hard-hitting news posts and uplifting stories in the year ahead.

One change you might notice is I’ll be writing two posts each week in 2021 instead of my usual four.  However, you can still expect the BEEF Daily newsletter to hit your inbox every Monday-Thursday like usual. I will continue to curate articles and industry voices for you to read and enjoy. Thank you for being part of this community. Enjoy these 20 articles, and Happy New Year!

1. 'Build back better' without beef?

The Great Reset promises to 'build back better' by reinventing capitalism and solving climate change through reduced beef consumption.

2. On voting, censorship & American beef

As a nation votes, this rancher discusses censorship on social media platforms, why everyone shouldn’t vote and the potential for American-labeled beef.

3. Log it, graze it or watch it burn

As wildfires consume the western United States, it's time to remind the public of the critical role that cattle play in reducing fuel for the flames.

4. Democrats release 2020 platform — What’s in it for agriculture?

Is Biden’s plan for rural America appealing to farmers and ranchers? Two different writers weigh in with their views of the 2020 Democratic platform.

5. New bill in California would ban feeding food byproducts to livestock

One of the best things about cattle — that they are upcyclers! AB 2959 in California would rather see these feedstuffs end up in landfills.

6. Ranching families: You’ve got to stand for something

In times of great uncertainty, strong voices in the beef cattle industry are more important now than ever before.

7. Kids & advocacy: Some advice from a ranching mom

Keep your kids safe and engaged on social media with these four tips from this agricultural advocate and ranching mom of three.

8. Rancher thanks Trump for deregulating WOTUS

An Arizona rancher recently joined President Donald Trump at the White House to testify about WOTUS and thank him for deregulating the overreaching rule.

9. Burger King: What’s the environmental impact of an Impossible Whopper?

Why are we still talking about cow farts when we should be focusing on providing food to nourish a hungry planet during a global pandemic?

10. Activists working to pinpoint your ranch on an aerial map

Extremists are taking advantage of this crisis and moving in on their target — you.

11. Nutrition the best medicine to safeguard against pandemics

Nina Teicholz addresses the elephant in the room during the COVID-19 crisis — good nutrition boosts immune systems and wards off chronic illnesses.

12. Dear Jonathan Safran Foer: Meat is here to stay!

An inflammatory op-ed titled, “The end of meat is here” spurs this rancher and beef lover to respond.

12. Fake meats made from plants, cells & humans?

Warning — blog post may contain disturbing material about fake meats grown from human cells.

13. A steak a day to keep the doctor away?

As COVID-19 continues to impact America, why isn’t the mainstream media focusing on how diet can improve our health and boost our immunity?

14. COVID-19: As plants close; where’s the meat?

As plants shutter their doors due to COVID-19, the broken link in the supply chain has many worrying about meat shortages.

15. 3 strategies fake meat companies are using to take ranchers down

In a fair fight, beef can compete against any protein. But what happens when the playing field is no longer fair?

16. Protecting state fairs and rodeos from permanent shutdowns

COVID-19 has negatively impacted agricultural fairs and rodeos. A new bill aims to protect these events before they become extinct.

17. Watch out feedlots & auctions: Warren & Booker are coming for you!

Politicians want to phase out CAFOs and abolish livestock auction markets. Here’s what you need to know.

18. Scholastic: This ranch mom rejects your anti-meat rhetoric

Students are being spoon-fed lies about beef production in an effort to guilt-trip and scare them into vegetarianism.

19. Netflix film reveals activists’ strategies to take your ranch

“The Stand At Paxton County” was released on Netflix over the weekend, and the true story is more chilling than the thriller portrayed by Hollywood.

20. Americans shine during coronavirus pandemic

As the coronavirus rages on, Americans are rising to the occasion — doing their part to support local communities and people.

The opinions of Amanda Radke are not necessarily those of or Farm Progress.

The Link Lonk

December 31, 2020 at 04:08AM

20 best 2020 BEEF Daily blogs - Beef Magazine

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