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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Beef market still feeling the effects of COVID-19 - Marketplace

Remember back when people were panic-buying burger patties, meat prices were erratic and there were concerns about the food supply chain? We checked back in on that situation, and there are still some lingering issues.

Livestock auctions took some precautions towards the beginning of the pandemic, limiting who can come, but most stayed open.

Those auctions were crucial for getting ranchers a good price and to keep the meat moving, said Chelsea Good is with the Livestock Marketing Association.

“We’ve worked with both our federal officials, but then also our states and local communities to help get them that critical food supply designation and allow them to continue operating in this important time,” she said back in March.

Over the last few months, disruptions weren’t as bad as they could have been. But Good said some consumer practices have changed. People are buying what’s easiest to cook themselves, like “ground beef, hamburger, to some degree roasts. Things people know how to prepare at home and are, you know, pretty comfortable with,” she said.

Consumers aren’t buying as much of the higher-end cuts of beef, though. Restaurants aren’t buying as many of those cuts anymore, either. And getting that meat to the store is still a bit of an issue – especially for those nicer, local cuts.

The problem is processing the meat. When COVID-19 infected workers and slowed major packing plants, some ranchers turned to the smaller butchering facilities. And now those are backed up, too.

Good said it’s even hard for hunters to find places to process deer.

“They called their local meat lockers and got quite a surprise in terms of the wait time. You know, at this point, it’s well into 2021. I’ve heard of some that are backed up well into even 2022,” she said.

And more and more ranchers have been turning to direct-to-consumer sales and using those local butchers, too.

Lorianne Lau is a rancher in Idaho. She’s been selling direct-to-consumer around that state and Utah for 16 years, but when she called her butcher back in May, he was already booked clear through April 2021.

“We’ve just been following up with him trying to say, you know, if you can sneak any in, we’d sure love to. And he’s like, ‘You and everybody and their uncle,’” she said.

Lau said her sales have picked up during the pandemic because people were concerned about the meat supply chain. They wanted to buy directly from ranchers. And she’s hoping that practice gets easier for all ranchers in the years to come.

Federal requirements to butcher cattle are easier for larger operations to meet. But ranchers who work with those large processors and sell their cows on the market are having troubles too.

“I’ve heard a lot of issues with people not being particularly happy with the prices they’re being offered,” she said.

Live cattle prices did drop more than 11% between mid-February and mid-December, according to Eric Belasco.

Belasco is an agricultural economist at Montana State University. When we talked to him in March, he was concerned about what would happen if workers at packing plants got COVID-19.

“Especially some of the larger packing plants, if they were to shut down, you’d see a remarkable impact on the market for beef,” he said this spring.

Of course, workers did get sick at the plants. The investigative journalism Food & Environment Reporting Network reports more than 50,000 meat packing workers got COVID-19, and more than 250 workers have died.

And the Department of Justice is investigating the major companies that control the beef processing market for price fixing during the pandemic.

Belsaco pointed out prices are at least less volatile now than they were back in April. That will allow farmers to budget for next year. And he said this whole ordeal shows how resilient the meat processing system is.

“You had a demand shock and a supply shock, kind of like which we’ve never seen before. And there were some slowdowns. But by and large, you know, it kept delivering food to market,” he said.

But of course, some argue it could have been even more resilient had there been more, decentralized packing plants.

This story was produced by the Mountain West News Bureau, collaboration of public media stations funded in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This story originally ran on KUNM.

Which essential workers should be prioritized for vaccines?

Front-line health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities are getting the shots first, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance. Essential workers will be considered next, but with limited vaccine doses and a lot of workers considered essential, the jockeying has already started over which ones should go to the front of the line: meatpacking workers, pilots, bankers and ride-share drivers among them. The CDC will continue to consider how to best distribute the vaccine, but ultimately it’s up to each state to decide who gets the shots when.

Could relaxing patents help poorer countries get vaccines faster?

The world’s poorest countries may not be able to get any vaccine at all until 2024, by one estimate. To deliver vaccines to the world’s poor sooner that, some global health activists want to waive intellectual property protections on vaccines, medicines and diagnostics. India, South Africa and Kenya have asked the World Trade Organization to allow pharmaceutical plants in the developing world to manufacture patented drugs without having to worry about lawsuits. The United States, Britain and the European Union, have repeatedly rejected the proposal at the WTO.

The Pfizer vaccine has to be kept in extreme cold at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit. And keeping it that cold requires dry ice. Where does that dry ice come from?

Also, is there enough of it to go around? And how much is it going to cost? The demand for dry ice is about to spike, and a whole bunch of industries are worried. Now, dry ice sells for $1 to $3 a pound. While the vaccine gets priority, smaller businesses and nonessential industries may end up losing out.

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The Link Lonk

December 30, 2020 at 03:58AM

Beef market still feeling the effects of COVID-19 - Marketplace

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