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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Beef calving tips to be shared through webinar - Wadena Pioneer Journal

The University of Minnesota Extension is hosting a six-part webinar series titled: Beef Calving Essentials Webinar Series. The Zoom meetings will be held on February 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, and 25 from 8 - 9 p.m. CST. The series will focus on different considerations to prepare for calving on beef cattle operations. Farmers, 4-H’ers, ag business professionals who work with farmers, and those interested in beef cows are invited to attend, according to a University of Minnesota Extension news release.

Feb. 8: Calving kits

What tools you need to have on hand to be prepared for calving with speaker Troy Salzer, St. Louis County Extension Educator.

Feb. 11: Calving record keeping

Compare different record keeping systems, what to record, why it’s important, animal identification, what to record within 24 hours of birth with speakers Stacey Caughey, Extension Beef Quality Assurance Program Associate and Tarah Young, Carlton County Extension Educator.

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Feb. 15: Calving barn preparation and sanitation

Concrete vs. soil (mud considerations), bedding options, differences on calving timing in the winter vs late spring/summer with speakers Melissa Runck, Pipestone and Murray Counties Extension Educator and Brenda Miller, Todd County Extension Educator.

Feb. 18: Calving trouble: When to help her and intervene

Recognizing the signs of dystocia (difficult birth), how to help her, tools to have on hand with speaker Dr. Joe Armstrong DVM, Cattle Production Systems Extension Educator.

Feb. 22: Helping newborn calves: Colostrum needs, teaching calves to nurse and the grafting process

How to care for young and newborn calves with speakers Eric Mousel, Cow Calf Management Extension Educator and Dana Adams, Stearns, Benton, and Morrison Counties Extension Educator

Feb. 25: Management of calf scours

With speaker Dr. Tony Dank, USDA Veterinarian.

Pre-registration is required. Register at by 5 p.m. CST the day before each event. You will receive a Zoom link after registration closes. You only have to register once and you will be registered for all subsequent webinars. If you are unable to attend the live sessions, you will receive the recordings for all the sessions via email at the end of the series. Any questions, contact Brenda Miller at

The Link Lonk

February 06, 2021 at 09:33PM

Beef calving tips to be shared through webinar - Wadena Pioneer Journal

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