Lynn's Farm

Pork 15, a new 5,000 hog facility in Logan County received sign-off from the Winnebago County Board of Supervisors on Feb. 2.

Despite some ongoing concerns, Winnebago County Supervisors on Feb. 2 approved the new Eagle Pork 15 site in Section 22 of Logan Township.

Eagle Pork 15 will be a feeder to finish facility housing up to 5,000 hogs.

While Supervisors agreed that Master Matrix requirements for the operation have been met, they voiced concerns about possible future wear and damage to roads near the new facility during a public hearing.

A resident who lives near the new facility site attended the meeting and voiced similar concerns.

A representative for Eagle Pork 15 estimated that there will be about eight incoming truckloads of feeder hogs and about 28 outgoing truckloads of market hogs annually.

While there will be attempts to acquire volunteer assistance from the site owners regarding road wear and damages in the area, no formal road use agreement has been established at this time. 

"It would really be nice if people would step up and be responsible for the situations they create," said supervisor Bill Jensvold.

Supervisors also set a 9:30 a.m. Feb. 23 public hearing for another facility, Newton 28 Site Master Matrix, which will be held during their regular meeting that day.