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Friday, April 23, 2021

Lots of pork in COVID-19 relief law | Free - ECM Publishers

To the editor:

As often occurs, those with an agenda selectively use facts to support their views rather than look at a whole picture. The recent letter from Susan Pettit is a case in point. She rails against the fact that no Republicans voted for the American Rescue Plan Act, but fails to explain why.

The number $1.9 trillion is now so big it’s incomprehensible to us … now it’s become just words. However, we are going to pay dearly for those words. Susan and I can agree, relief for the aftermath of COVID is a noble endeavor. However, of the $1.9 trillion we are going to have to pay back someday, only 9% of that is reported to be going to COVID. Instead, a small sample of “fluff” in this bill includes up to more than $2 billion going to other countries for pet projects; $25 million for gender programs in Pakistan; well in excess of $1 billion for the Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Institute and National Gallery of Art; many millions of dollars for reef fish management, combating the Asian carp and counting the number of amberjack fish in the Gulf; millions to research the impact of downed trees, and much, much more “pork.”

It is beyond me how any of this advances the COVID recovery. Even the Democrats knew how bad their bill was when they changed the name from the COVID relief plan to the American Rescue Plan. If only we weren’t trying to rescue the entire world.

On what basis is this to be considered a COVID relief bill? And who is getting the relief? And here’s the worst part … our children, their children and their children’s children are going to be paying for this bill for their entire lives. It’s not the time to be timid, but it is the time to be realistic.


The Link Lonk

April 23, 2021 at 01:15AM

Lots of pork in COVID-19 relief law | Free - ECM Publishers

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