NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) - Breakfast is served.
The First United Methodist Church hosted the NEBRAKSALand Days Pork Breakfast beginning at 7 a.m. Saturday. The items on the menu include savory pork chops, grits, eggs, biscuits and a beverage.
This year is a little different due to the pandemic. People could either dine-in at the church or drive-thru and pick up in the front. Many people were really happy about receiving their meal.
“We’re really excited to welcome the community to our church to serve them a meal and offer them our hospitality,” Volunteer Coordinator Becca Moss said.
This is the first time that the church hosted the Pork Breakfast. The breakfast is usually at the Platte River Mall. Due to the construction, they had to move the breakfast somewhere else and the church offered to lend a helping hand.
“We got asked to host the pork breakfast this year, and we decided to do it at first church,” helper Lorie O’Donnell said.
Pork Breakfast tickets cost 10 dollars.
Copyright 2021 KNOP. All rights reserved.
The Link LonkJune 19, 2021 at 10:57PM
Pork breakfast at the church - knopnews2
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